What unique challenges do researchers face in 129-18-0

Here is just a brief introduction to this compound(129-18-0)Application of 129-18-0, more information about the compound(Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide) is in the article, you can click the link below.

The reaction of an aromatic heterocycle with a proton is called a protonation. One of articles about this theory is 《Absorption of vitamin B12 by talc》. Authors are Dony, J.; Conter, J..The article about the compound:Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-idecas:129-18-0,SMILESS:O=C(N(C1=CC=CC=C1)N2C3=CC=CC=C3)[C-](CCCC)C2=O.[Na+]).Application of 129-18-0. Through the article, more information about this compound (cas:129-18-0) is conveyed.

A study of mixtures containing 5-10 γ vitamin B12 (I) and 50 mg. to 1 g. talc indicates I is effectively absorbed by the talc, from which it is slowly and progressively eluted by H2O and is rapidly eluted by gastric media at 37° owing to the pepsin in the media. Tween 20, 1% solution, elutes I from talc in the same manner as does 0.32% pepsin solution and indicates the surface-active function of both compounds in the process.

Here is just a brief introduction to this compound(129-18-0)Application of 129-18-0, more information about the compound(Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide) is in the article, you can click the link below.

Benzofuran – Wikipedia,
Benzofuran | C8H6O – PubChem