Simple exploration of 129-18-0

If you want to learn more about this compound(Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide)Recommanded Product: Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide, you may wish to communicate with the author of the article,or consult the relevant literature related to this compound(129-18-0).

So far, in addition to halogen atoms, other non-metallic atoms can become part of the aromatic heterocycle, and the target ring system is still aromatic.Hirschelmann, R.; Bekemeier, Heinz researched the compound: Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide( cas:129-18-0 ).Recommanded Product: Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide.They published the article 《Inhibition of the incorporation of [14C]-leucine into lymphocytes from peritoneal exudate of the rat by cytostatics, antiphlogistics, and selenophenones》 about this compound( cas:129-18-0 ) in Acta Biologica et Medica Germanica. Keywords: lymphocytes peritoneal exudate metabolism; peritoneal exudate lymphocytes metabolism; protein synthesis cytostatics; cytostatics protein synthesis; antiphlogistics protein synthesis; selenophenones protein synthesis; selenium compound protein synthesis. We’ll tell you more about this compound (cas:129-18-0).

Actinomycin C, azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, indomethacin, benzydamine, phenylbutazone, aminophenazone, sodium salicylate, and some new selenophenones (4-alkylseleno-α-alkyl-β-hexamethyleniminophenones) were tested in relation to leucine-14C incorporation into lymphocytes isolated from peritoneal exudate of rats with formaldehyde peritonitis and to depression of the viability of the lymphocytes. It was not possible by these means to discriminate cytostatics from antiphlogistics used in rheumatic diseases. The procedure may be a simple screening test for substances which influence protein synthesis.

If you want to learn more about this compound(Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide)Recommanded Product: Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide, you may wish to communicate with the author of the article,or consult the relevant literature related to this compound(129-18-0).

Benzofuran – Wikipedia,
Benzofuran | C8H6O – PubChem

Now Is The Time For You To Know The Truth About 129-18-0

If you want to learn more about this compound(Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide)Quality Control of Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide, you may wish to communicate with the author of the article,or consult the relevant literature related to this compound(129-18-0).

Quality Control of Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide. The mechanism of aromatic electrophilic substitution of aromatic heterocycles is consistent with that of benzene. Compound: Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide, is researched, Molecular C19H19N2NaO2, CAS is 129-18-0, about Antagonistic effects against single lethal doses of Amanita phalloides. Author is Floersheim, G. L..

Agents with antagonistic effects against phalloidin [17466-45-4] or α-amanitin [23109-05-9] were tested in mice against lethal doses of an extract from the whole mushroom A. phalloides. The following categories of agents reduced lethality of the extract First, agents protecting only against phalloidin such as rifampicin [13292-46-1], Na phenylbutazone [129-18-0] and antamanide [16898-32-1]. Second, silymarin [22888-70-6] and prednisolone [50-24-8] which display both antiamatoxic and marked (silymarin) or moderate (prednisolone [61-33-6]) antiphallotoxic activity. Thioctic acid [1077-28-7] displayed some activity when tested against mid- lethal doses of the extract Cytochrome c [9007-43-6], a chem. with curative potencies against α-amanitin did not reduce the lethality of the extract All of the effective agents acted only when applied prior to the poisoning. The pattern or protective activity would indicate that in mice death after single doses of A. phalloides may follow a qual. particular course which is difficult to ascribe to phallo- or amatoxic effects alone.

If you want to learn more about this compound(Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide)Quality Control of Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide, you may wish to communicate with the author of the article,or consult the relevant literature related to this compound(129-18-0).

Benzofuran – Wikipedia,
Benzofuran | C8H6O – PubChem

Derivation of elementary reaction about 129-18-0

Here is a brief introduction to this compound(129-18-0)Application of 129-18-0, if you want to know about other compounds related to this compound(129-18-0), you can read my other articles.

Application of 129-18-0. The reaction of aromatic heterocyclic molecules with protons is called protonation. Aromatic heterocycles are more basic than benzene due to the participation of heteroatoms. Compound: Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide, is researched, Molecular C19H19N2NaO2, CAS is 129-18-0, about Physiological and drug-induced changes in the glycogen content of mouse brain. Author is Hutchins, D. A.; Rogers, Keith James.

The effect of the method of killing on the concentration of glycogen in mouse brain was determined The cerebral glycogen content of mice killed by immersion in liquid N did not differ significantly from that of animals decapitated and the heads immediately frozen. A delay before freezing led to the rapid loss of brain glycogen, with a 17% fall at 10 sec and an 82% loss after 5 min. Hyperglycemia, induced by the administration of D-glucose, resulted in an 8.3% loss of brain glycogen after 120 min. Insulin hypoglycemia produced a 10.7% fall in glycogen at 60 min followed by an 11.2% increase at 120 min. Exposure to either high (32°) or low (10°) ambient temperatures, caused a depletion of brain glycogen. A circadian rhythm of brain glycogen concentration was found, with a nadir which was coincident with the peak of locomotor activity and body temperature Drugs from several pharmacol. classes were studied for their in vivo effect on the concentration of glycogen in mouse brain. Brain glycogen was increased by all the depressant drugs tested, and by some drugs which had little effect on behavior (diphenhydramine, phenytoin and propranolol), or which caused excitation (caffeine and nialamide). Glycogen was depleted only by amphetaminelike compounds or by bemegride-induced convulsions. The results are discussed with particular reference to the possible relation between catechol amines and glycogen metabolism in the brain.

Here is a brief introduction to this compound(129-18-0)Application of 129-18-0, if you want to know about other compounds related to this compound(129-18-0), you can read my other articles.

Benzofuran – Wikipedia,
Benzofuran | C8H6O – PubChem

Our Top Choice Compound: 129-18-0

Here is a brief introduction to this compound(129-18-0)Recommanded Product: Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide, if you want to know about other compounds related to this compound(129-18-0), you can read my other articles.

The reaction of an aromatic heterocycle with a proton is called a protonation. One of articles about this theory is 《Effects of long-lasting, high-fat nourishment on the triglycerides, free fatty acids, and phosphatides of blood plasma》. Authors are Canzler, H.; Glatzel, H..The article about the compound:Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-idecas:129-18-0,SMILESS:O=C(N(C1=CC=CC=C1)N2C3=CC=CC=C3)[C-](CCCC)C2=O.[Na+]).Recommanded Product: Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide. Through the article, more information about this compound (cas:129-18-0) is conveyed.

Alterations in the lipid profile of blood plasma on various fat diets were assessed and were less significant with high-fat diets (58% of total cal.), for free and total cholesterol, free fatty acids, and phosphatides than for triglycerides (I) in 2 healthy male volunteers. The I content was lowest when the fat intake was high, and vice versa. The high I content on a fat-poor diet (5% of total cal.) resulted from transport lipemia from tissues to liver, which was unnecessary on a high-fat diet, since the liver received supplies of fatty acids from the intestine.

Here is a brief introduction to this compound(129-18-0)Recommanded Product: Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide, if you want to know about other compounds related to this compound(129-18-0), you can read my other articles.

Benzofuran – Wikipedia,
Benzofuran | C8H6O – PubChem

Some scientific research about 129-18-0

Here is a brief introduction to this compound(129-18-0)Related Products of 129-18-0, if you want to know about other compounds related to this compound(129-18-0), you can read my other articles.

Epoxy compounds usually have stronger nucleophilic ability, because the alkyl group on the oxygen atom makes the bond angle smaller, which makes the lone pair of electrons react more dissimilarly with the electron-deficient system. Compound: Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide, is researched, Molecular C19H19N2NaO2, CAS is 129-18-0, about Pharmacokinetics of certain drugs in the domesticated goat.Related Products of 129-18-0.

Kinetic values for the half-life, first order disappearance rate constant, and apparent specific volume of distribution were reported for acidic drugs (salicylate [69-72-7], phenylbutazone [50-33-9], pentobarbital [57-33-0], and sulfanilamide [63-74-1]) and basic drugs (antipyrine [60-80-0], quinine [130-95-0], and tolazoline [59-98-3]) in goats. The protein-binding capacity was determined for each drug, since membrane permeability is influenced by this factor as well as by the drug’s physicochem. characteristics.

Here is a brief introduction to this compound(129-18-0)Related Products of 129-18-0, if you want to know about other compounds related to this compound(129-18-0), you can read my other articles.

Benzofuran – Wikipedia,
Benzofuran | C8H6O – PubChem