What I Wish Everyone Knew About 129-18-0

In addition to the literature in the link below, there is a lot of literature about this compound(Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide)Electric Literature of C19H19N2NaO2, illustrating the importance and wide applicability of this compound(129-18-0).

The reaction of an aromatic heterocycle with a proton is called a protonation. One of articles about this theory is 《The carrageenin-induced abscess as a new test for antiinflammatory activity of steroids and nonsteroids》. Authors are Benitz, K. F.; Hall, L. M..The article about the compound:Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-idecas:129-18-0,SMILESS:O=C(N(C1=CC=CC=C1)N2C3=CC=CC=C3)[C-](CCCC)C2=O.[Na+]).Electric Literature of C19H19N2NaO2. Through the article, more information about this compound (cas:129-18-0) is conveyed.

The exptl. abscesses were produced by single injections of 0.5 ml. 2% aqueous solution of carrageenin (I) subcutaneously 25-30 mm. rostral of the tail root of female rats. The I abscesses did not alter the behavior of the rats or their body weight The action of drugs against I-induced irritation was determined by giving 1/2 the dose intraperitoneally or orally immediately after the I and the remaining 1/2 approx. 6 hrs. later. The rats were sacrificed 24 hrs. after the I injections and a “”tail pouch”” containing the abscess dissected out for weighing. Antiinflammatory effects were found (decrease in the weight of abscess produced) for Na salicylate, phenylbutazone as the Na salt (II), II plus aminopyrine, hydrocortisone, prednisolone, and triamcinolone. There were differences in the activity of the different drugs and drug combinations but the dose, response curves were essentially linear in each case. The results demonstrated the general utility of the I injection method, and I offered some advantages (discussed) over HCHO or turpentine as an irritation-producing agent. The I did not produce necroses. Possible misleading results due to the so-called counter-irritant effect could be considerably decreased by oral administration of the drugs. The results are interpreted in relation to previous reports on tests for agents which inhibit inflammations. 30 references.

In addition to the literature in the link below, there is a lot of literature about this compound(Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide)Electric Literature of C19H19N2NaO2, illustrating the importance and wide applicability of this compound(129-18-0).

Benzofuran – Wikipedia,
Benzofuran | C8H6O – PubChem