Properties and Exciting Facts About Ethyl benzofuran-2-carboxylate

Note that a catalyst decreases the activation energy for both the forward and the reverse reactions and hence accelerates both the forward and the reverse Ethyl benzofuran-2-carboxylate, you can also check out more blogs about3199-61-9

Chemistry is an experimental science, and the best way to enjoy it and learn about it is performing experiments. name: Ethyl benzofuran-2-carboxylate. Introducing a new discovery about 3199-61-9, Name is Ethyl benzofuran-2-carboxylate

A variety of aromatic and aliphatic carboxylic acids were smoothly converted into the corresponding nitriles in good yields in a one-pot procedure by treatment with ethyl iodide/K2CO3/18-crown-6, followed by sodium diisobutyl-tert-butoxyaluminium hydride (SDBBA-H), and finally treatment with molecular iodine or 1,3-diiodo-5,5-dimethylhydantoin (DIH), and aqueous ammonia. This method is useful for the conversion of various aromatic and aliphatic carboxylic acids into the corresponding nitriles in a one-pot procedure. A variety of aromatic and aliphatic carboxylic acids were smoothly converted into the corresponding nitriles in good yields in a one-pot procedure by treatment with ethyl iodide/K2CO3/18-crown-6, followed by sodium diisobutyl-tert-butoxyaluminium hydride (SDBBA-H), and finally treatment with molecular iodine or 1,3-diiodo-5,5-dimethylhydantoin (DIH), and aqueous ammonia. Copyright

Note that a catalyst decreases the activation energy for both the forward and the reverse reactions and hence accelerates both the forward and the reverse Ethyl benzofuran-2-carboxylate, you can also check out more blogs about3199-61-9

Benzofuran – Wikipedia,
Benzofuran | C8H3044O – PubChem