Little discovery in the laboratory: a new route for 129-18-0

In addition to the literature in the link below, there is a lot of literature about this compound(Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide)COA of Formula: C19H19N2NaO2, illustrating the importance and wide applicability of this compound(129-18-0).

COA of Formula: C19H19N2NaO2. The mechanism of aromatic electrophilic substitution of aromatic heterocycles is consistent with that of benzene. Compound: Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide, is researched, Molecular C19H19N2NaO2, CAS is 129-18-0, about Antigranuloma and thymolytic activity of certain drugs. Author is Silvestrini, B.; Lisciani, R.; Scorza Barcellona, P..

The possibility that the antigranuloma action of corticosteroids is mediated by the thymus gland was studied in intact, thymectomized, and adrenalectomized rats having granulomas induced by cotton-pellet implantation. In intact rats, s.c. injected cortisone acetate (I) (30 and 50 mg./kg.) inhibited body weight increases and reduced the weights of the granuloma, thymus gland, and spleen. The effects of I were dose dependent; at 5 mg./kg., s.c. body growth and granuloma were inhibited, whereas an oral dose of 50 mg./kg. inhibited the granuloma and reduced the weights of the thymus gland and spleen. Na phenylbutazone and benzydamine-HCl selectively inhibited granuloma, but even doses of 50 mg./kg., s.c., and 80 mg./kg., orally, of Na phenylbutazone and up to 500 mg./kg., orally, of benzydamine-HCl did not significantly reduce thymus and spleen weights Testosterone (10 and 50 mg./kg., s.c.) reduced the weight of the thymus gland at the lower dosage and at the higher dose reduced that of the granuloma. Morphine sulfate (5 and 20 mg./kg.) inhibited the granuloma, thymus, and thyroid gland weights and increased that of the adrenal gland. In the adrenalectomized rats, I and testosterone exhibited biol. activity, whereas morphine sulfate was inactive. In thymectomized animals, the granuloma, body, and internal organ weights were similar to those of controls and I was still active. 18 references.

In addition to the literature in the link below, there is a lot of literature about this compound(Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide)COA of Formula: C19H19N2NaO2, illustrating the importance and wide applicability of this compound(129-18-0).

Benzofuran – Wikipedia,
Benzofuran | C8H6O – PubChem