A new application about 129-18-0

If you want to learn more about this compound(Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide)Application In Synthesis of Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide, you may wish to communicate with the author of the article,or consult the relevant literature related to this compound(129-18-0).

Application In Synthesis of Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide. The reaction of aromatic heterocyclic molecules with protons is called protonation. Aromatic heterocycles are more basic than benzene due to the participation of heteroatoms. Compound: Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide, is researched, Molecular C19H19N2NaO2, CAS is 129-18-0, about Leukocyte migration inhibition test on agarose – a rational test method for cell-mediated immune reactivity. Author is Emmrich, F..

The agarose plate leukocyte migration inhibition test of J. E. Clausens (1973) was used to detect iatrogenic allergy in skin-test pos. patients. Plates were prepared from 0.9% agarose, and patients’ leukocyte migration response to drugs (antigens) determined after 1hr incubation at 37°. Thus, 10-50 mg/mL PPD gave 1.0-0.8 migration inhibition index with leukocytes from skin-tes pos., active tuberculosis patients. Similar results were obtained with patients allergic to nitrazepam, sulfamerazine, and phenylbutazone. It is concluded that the this agarose method may be used to detect cellular hypersensitivity.

If you want to learn more about this compound(Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide)Application In Synthesis of Sodium 4-butyl-3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidin-4-ide, you may wish to communicate with the author of the article,or consult the relevant literature related to this compound(129-18-0).

Benzofuran – Wikipedia,
Benzofuran | C8H6O – PubChem